Monday, July 13, 2009

Flowers By The Bird Bath

photo (c) 2009 by DKF

More PEZ-zy Fun @ Summer Camp

PEZ "store"

Accidental avalanche at the PEZ "store"

Another PEZ "store"

photos (c) 2009 by DKF

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


If you can't take the condiments out of the bin... ?!

photo (c) 2009 by DKF


photos (c) 2009 by DKF


So maybe this bunch is a new species called, "Roofgulls"?

The one in the center must be performing a solo!?

Here's a closer look.

photos (c) 2009 by DKF

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Pretender

I was excited to rediscover the television show, "The Pretender" for more than one reason. First of all, it's a good show. I enjoy the fact that Jared has a different job every episode and all of the mystery behind "The Center" and Jarod and Miss Parker's past lives keeps the show interesting. The coolest part is that in almost every episode, Jarod has PEZ dispensers and often snacks on PEZ candy!!

Sunday, July 05, 2009


Your light is
than the sun
and You're
the only One
I need,
but I'm

leads me down
dark streets
all over town
and I walk
right past You.

My words say,
"I want more, Lord!"
while I choose
to ignore You.
But now I'm
getting bored
and You
deserve better.

I want my
life to reflect
Your light.
keep You
in my sights,
so that I can't
walk away or
spend another
lonely day
in this
dreary world.

photo & poem (c) 2009 by DKF

Thursday, July 02, 2009


photos (c) 2009 by DKF

Professor PEZ

The kids in my summer camp all made up their own super heroes and I decided to join in the fun! This is "Professor PEZ". He is a vintage dispenser, therefore very wise, and he disables villians with electric PEZ candy pieces...

photo (c) 2009 by DKF

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Things My Phone Saw

photos (c) 2009 by DKF

Monsters Vs. Aliens PEZ

Insectosaurus, The Missing Link & B.O.B.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I had to get the PEZ
(shown with another favorite possession, "ShamWOW!")

photo (c) 2009 by DKF

Who's Watching Who?

photos (c) 2009 by DKF