Sunday, September 10, 2006

I AM the Conqueror!!!

I was bored tonight and there was nothing on television and I played my guitar and sang some songs and read a little and no one was online to chat with and I didn't have any new emails to reply to and I was itching to post something new on my blog but I didn't have anything to say, so... I decided to try my hand at some balloon animals. Now, I know most people wouldn't just have the supplies around the house to engage in this activity, but I guess that's just one more reason that I'm so special. :)

I already knew how to make the "3 Twist Dog," but I wanted to expand my knowledge base. So I attempted a giraffe and a snail and a swan and an elephant... Just as I was thinking that I would really NOT be happy if the balloon popped... POP!!!!

It scared the @#$! out of me! It definitely started my heart racing, and I'm sure it scared my cat more than it scared me!! I did end up being successful in the end though. I conquered the balloon animals, and it made me feel better!

photos (c) 2006 by DKF

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they almost look cooler in the pictures... see, i'm on your blog. =)